All tools


Convert JSON data to YAML and vice versa

Number Base

Convert numbers from one base to another

HTML Entities

Encode or decode all the applicable characters to their corresponding HTML entities


Encode or decode all the applicable characters to their corresponding URL entities


Encode and decode Base64 data

JWT Decoder

Decode a JWT header and payload

Pretty print

Format code for readability


Calculate MD5 and SHA hashes from text data


Generate UUIDs of version 1, 3, 4, and 5

Lorem Ipsum

Generate words, sentences or paragraphs of Lorem Ipsum


Generate a hash with Checksum based on a file

Inspector & Case Converter

Analyze text and convert it to a different case

Regex Tester

Validate and test regular expressions

Text Difference

Compare two pieces of text

Markdown Preview

Preview a Markdown document with GitHub style

Color Blindness Simulator

Simulate color blindness on a picture or screenshot

Image Converter

Convert images between common formats